Refund or product replacement is guaranteed by the marketplace.

Here are the basic steps to how this marketplace handles each purchase :

1 – Shoppers browse the marketplace and decide to purchase a product by following the ordering steps and sending payment to the specified wallet address.

2 – Funds are received and retained in the Cash Cow Escrow wallet and the seller receives a notification for a new order.

3 – The seller prepares and ships the item.

When these three steps are completed, two results can occur :

A The buyer receives the products. In this case, the transaction is closed and after 15 days, Cash Cow releases the funds held in escrow to the seller. The deal is completed.

B – The buyer does not receive the products paid for and will have 15 days to dispute the transaction creating a new ticket through the support system and our team will check the status of the order internally. If the team determines that the order has not been received, funds will be released back to the original wallet of the buyer.