Frequently Asked Questions

We will refund you in full if a package does not reach its destination within 15 days.

Due to the strict criteria for vendor selection and the fact that each vendor is manually sampled multiple times a year, we receive very few refund requests, between 1-2% of the total sales. Packages lost in transit are the most common reason for refunds, but it’s not the vendor’s fault.

Here you can start a new ticket.

Each vendor is trained to process each new order within maximum 24 hours.

In 95% of the cases, orders are processed within a 12-24 hour window.

You can, but we strongly suggest taking your time and visiting the marketplace from top to bottom. If you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to email us.

Questions like : ,,How to place an order?’’ or ,,hello, anyone there?’’ will not be answered.

There aren’t any.

The prices indicated on the site are 100% final, there are no “activation fees,” and all of the items/products offered by the individual vendors are ready for use as soon as you receive them.

We are the only market that randomly manually samples each vendor multiple times per year.

Strict selection criteria of who we allow to trade on the platform.

Several years of experience and highly skilled security team members.

We have stringent requirements for anybody we allow to trade on the site.